Nutrition and lifestyle optimisation

How you live can make a big difference to your health (of course!). Discover simple ways to improve your nutrition and lifestyle and unlock the potential for lifelong wellness. 

Nutrition and lifestyle optimisation

How you live can make a big difference to your health (of course!). Discover simple ways to improve your nutrition and lifestyle and unlock the potential for lifelong wellness. 

Improving digestive function

In Chinese medicine, digestion is the foundation of good health, and so nutrition is an integral part of your consultation and treatment plan.

We focus on how well your body digests and absorbs nutrients, as well as the quality of the fuel you choose. This is vital not just for digestive issues but also for fertility, hormone imbalances, lowered immunity, and stress. Blood tests and other lab results provide additional insights, and we incorporate high quality vitamins and supplements as needed.

Microbiome health

Recent research into the microbiome and the gut-brain axis confirms the gut’s crucial role in producing hormones and neurotransmitters, metabolising nutrients, and modulating the immune system. This means gut health significantly impacts mood, appetite, metabolism, energy, and blood sugar levels.

We won’t spoil all your fun, but we will help you identify foods that may be causing issues and those that will nourish and heal your body. Together, we’ll make simple, effective changes to support your healing and wellbeing.

Lifestyle optimisation

Simple practices like sunlight exposure, spending time in nature, diaphragmatic breathing, and eating and sleeping in alignment with your circadian rhythms and are an integral part of Chinese medicine, allowing us to live in harmony with our environment and cultivate good health.  

In our modern world, completely avoiding stress and toxins is tricky, but making small, mindful adjustments can greatly support your health. Your treatment plan includes lifestyle upgrades tailored to your unique body and health goals.

Food as medicine

Chinese Medicine recognises the vital role of food in achieving good health. What we eat not only provides nourishment, vitamins and minerals, but it also influences the microbes and cells within our bodies.

This interplay between the microbiome, gut, brain, and immune systems, the ‘energetics of food’, informs the dietary advice in your treatment plan.  We consider the flavour and thermal nature of foods and their effects on the body, along with their nutritional composition. For example, a hearty beef stew is “nourishing”, while steamed greens are more “cleansing”. A curry with ginger and chilli is “drying and heating”, whereas a cucumber salad is “cooling”. There is no one-size-fits-all diet; instead; foods are selected based on their effects on your constitution and condition, supporting your digestion and overall health.