Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine for IVF support
Prepare your body to optimise fertility, feel supported and calm, and get the best possible outcomes from your IVF cycle.
We are committed to helping people achieve their goal of a healthy pregnancy and baby. We will support you throughout your IVF journey, making this challenging time less stressful and ensuring you are informed and empowered for the best possible results.
Whether you’re just starting to consider IVF, in the middle of a cycle, or have tried multiple cycles, now is the perfect time to support your body with acupuncture and natural medicine.
Timing of treatments
Preparing for your IVF cycle:
To prepare your body for the best possible outcome, we recommend regular acupuncture in the weeks before starting your IVF cycle, along with herbal medicine, supplements and nutrition for optimising your fertility potential. Ideally, this process begins 12 weeks before you start IVF.
Of course, everyone’s timeframe is different, and we can adjust treatment timing to suit you.
During your IVF cycle:
Weekly or bi-weekly acupuncture is recommended during your IVF cycle, timing treatments for:
- During stimulation phase
- Before egg collection
- Pre- and post-embryo transfer
- During the 2 week wait
If you’re doing a frozen embryo transfer, weekly acupuncture is done until transfer time, then as above.
The next steps:
After your positive pregnancy test result, we continue the support in early pregnancy. Acupuncture and Chinese medicine can assist with anxiety and stress, and pregnancy-related symptoms of morning sickness and fatigue, for a healthier, more comfortable pregnancy.
If the cycle wasn’t successful, then we then focus on recovery, reassess, and help prepare for the next move.
IVF support for men

It takes two to make a baby, yet when it comes to IVF the important role of men’s health is often overlooked. We focus on the health of both eggs and sperm, so that when fertilisation happens, even if you are using ICSI, it’s with the best quality “building blocks” for a healthy baby.
A course of acupuncture in the 8 weeks before sperm collection may improve sperm parameters, along with Chinese herbs, supplements, and nutrition and lifestyle tweaks to help optimise your fertility. Because it takes 3 months for sperm to be created, preconception care for men during this time period is crucial.
Get started with an initial consultation, where we assess your overall health as well as relevant fertility information and any available test results, to create a tailored treatment plan. Acupuncture can be timed around the IVF cycle as needed.
IVF support for women
To optimise your fertility and chances of a successful IVF cycle, we start by evaluating the health of your uterine lining, potential egg quality, hormonal balance, circulation, inflammation, nervous system and adrenal reserves.
Using acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine for fertility, along with nutrition and lifestyle tweaks, we target any issues that may be impacting your fertility. These can include hormonal imbalances, immune and implantation issues, poor egg quality, and recurrent miscarriage.
Because it takes around 90 days for eggs to mature, allowing 3 months to prepare your body for optimal fertility is ideal. When you’re ready for your cycle, we continue acupuncture and adjust the treatment to best support you.

The science - does acupuncture support IVF success rates?
Since the first studies finding that acupuncture could improve success rates of IVF by up to 60%(1) there has been continuing research into how acupuncture can assist with the effectiveness of IVF treatment.
Notably, better outcomes seem to come when acupuncture is administered before as well as during the IVF cycle(2), with more frequent treatments leading to an increased pregnancy rate.
- Improved pelvic circulation and blood flow to uterus and ovaries
- Better hormonal balance, via effects on the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis (3)
- Stress reduction and nervous system regulation (4)
- Improved egg and sperm quality
- Promoting overall health, and addressing contributing factors
Recent research has found that acupuncture may help the body reduce anxiety and manage stress (3)(4), and this nervous system support may be key in improving fertility and IVF success rates.
I take an integrative, evidence-based approach to acupuncture for IVF support, incorporating protocol points with those selected to benefit your unique presentation and support your overall health and fertility.
Frequently Asked Questions.
For the best possible outcome it is recommended to begin acupuncture 3 months before starting IVF, although if you have already started your fertility treatment it’s not too late to include the benefits of acupuncture to your cycle.
Weekly or bi-weekly acupuncture is recommended during your IVF cycle, timing treatments during the stimulation phase, before egg collection, pre- and post-embryo transfer, and during the 2 week wait.
Yes. Even though you may be doing ICSI, it still makes sense to spend time preparing for the cycle. A course of acupuncture in the 8 weeks before sperm collection can improve sperm motility and morphology, and nutrition and lifestyle tweaks can also enhance your sperm health and optimise your fertility. Because it takes 3 months for sperm to be created, preconception care for men during this time period is crucial, so that when it comes time for fertilisation you are using the best quality “building blocks” for a healthy baby.
Acupuncture can be started in preparation of a cycle, and treatment is also recommended the day before or on the day of sperm collection.
As a registered allied health professional with AHPRA, I am not allowed to make claims about our success rates or use testimonials from people I’ve successfully helped to fall pregnant and have a healthy baby.
I see people of all ages and stages in their fertility journey, and have 20 years experience in supporting fertility both naturally and in those undergoing fertility treatments like IVF.
Herbal medicine can be used in preparation for an IVF cycle, to help optimise fertility. Herbs are usually avoided during the stimulation phase / while you’re taking fertility medications (though exceptions are made if you have gotten a poor response to the IVF medications over a number of cycles).
Acupuncture can support your fertility, regardless of whether you are trying on your own, doing intra-uterine insemination (IUI), or one of the various types of IVF cycle.
Get in touch to find out how we can support you and your specific situation.
Acupuncture points can be found all over the body, but common areas for fertility (in both men and women) are the abdomen, lower back, arms and legs.
1. Mannheimer, E., Zhang, G., Udoff, L., Haramati, A., Langenberg, P., Berman, B., Bouter, L., Effects of acupuncture on rates of pregnancy and live birth among women undergoing in vitro fertilisation: systematic review and meta-analysis. British Medical Journal, 336(7643) (2008), pp. 545-9.
2. Hullender Rubin LE, Opsahl MS, Wiemer KE, Mist SD, Caughey AB. Impact of whole systems traditional Chinese medicine on in-vitro fertilization outcomes. Reprod Biomed Online. 2015 Jun;30(6):602-12.
3. Amorim D, Amado J, Brito I, Fiuza SM, Amorim N, Costeira C, Machado J. Acupuncture and electroacupuncture for anxiety disorders: A systematic review of the clinical research. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2018 May;31:31-37.
4. Ribeiro SC, Kennedy SE, Smith YR, Stohler CS, Zubieta JK. Interface of physical and emotional stress regulation through the endogenous opioid system and m-opioid receptors. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry. 2005;1264-1280.