Fertility & Preconception Care
Acupuncture and Integrative Chinese medicine to optimize health and help you reach your full fertility potential, for the best possible chance for a healthy pregnancy and baby.
Fertility & Preconception Care
Acupuncture and Integrative Chinese medicine to optimize health and help you reach your full fertility potential, for the best possible chance for a healthy pregnancy and baby.
My approach to fertility
To optimize fertility, we use acupuncture, herbs, supplements, nutrition, and lifestyle improvements for the best chance of conceiving and maintaining a healthy pregnancy.
As a doctor of Chinese medicine I have helped thousands of people conceive, from those just starting to try to those undergoing IVF. I understand the deep desire to have a baby, and the impact infertility can have on your mental health and relationships. I take the time to listen to your story and comprehend your situation, addressing both physical and emotional symptoms in your treatments.
Fertility issues can come as a shock. Maybe you’ve been trying for some time, or maybe you already have a child, but nothing seems to be working this time around. Whether you’re told it’s because of your age, hormones, primary, secondary or just unexplained infertility, it can be a stressful and challenging road to navigate.
With extensive training in fertility, I continually update my knowledge and skills. My integrative, evidence-based approach combines the latest Western medical research with the holistic principles of Chinese medicine to create the best plan for you. Whether you are beginning your fertility journey or further along, you can feel supported with a personalized approach to improving your fertility, naturally.
Preparing for fertility
There are many ways to enhance your fertility, and positively impact your pregnancy and your baby’s health. Epigenetics shows that a cell’s environment influences its development. By providing egg and sperm cells with a healthy internal environment while they develop, you create the best “building blocks” for making a baby.
Because this process of maturation takes around 90 days for both sperm and egg, allowing 3 months to prepare your body for optimal fertility is ideal for both women and men. This preparation can be done before or as you start trying to conceive, or even if you’ve been trying for some time.
Enhancing your nutrition, making lifestyle changes, supporting endometrial and egg quality in women and sperm quality in men, balancing hormones, improving circulation, calming your nervous system, and addressing specific health issues are all pieces to solving the fertility puzzle.

Natural fertility enhancement
Fertility for women
Understanding your menstrual cycle provides insights into your hormonal balance and fertility. We evaluate the health of your uterine lining, potential egg quality, hormonal balance, circulation, inflammation, and adrenal reserves.
Using acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine for fertility, we target any issues (including immune issues, poor egg quality, recurrent miscarriage, and unexplained infertility). We will do the detective work to uncover and address any barriers to pregnancy, working alongside your doctor or specialist.
Feel empowered to understand your cycle, pinpoint ovulation for optimal timing, and restore trust in your body’s natural wisdom.
Fertility for men
Men’s health plays a crucial role in fertility, contributing to up to 50% of fertility issues.
The good news is that improving your diet and lifestyle can boost sperm health and fertility. Acupuncture may influence key sperm factors (1,2), while Chinese herbs and supplements may also be beneficial.
We assess your overall health as well as relevant fertility information and any available test results, to create a tailored treatment plan. And because fertility reflects overall health, you may notice improved energy, metabolism, sleep, circulation, reduced inflammation, and better stress management as well.
Fertility research
Since the first studies finding that acupuncture could improve success rates of IVF by up to 60% (3), there has been continuing research into how acupuncture can enhance fertility, with mixed results. Better outcomes were seen when acupuncture was done in preparation, with more frequent treatments leading to an increased pregnancy rate (4).
- Improved blood flow to uterus and ovaries
- Better hormonal balance (5)
- Stress reduction and nervous system regulation (6)
- Improved egg and sperm quality
- Addressing contributing issues
Frequently Asked Questions.
As a registered allied health professional with AHPRA, I am not allowed to make claims about our success rates or use testimonials from people I’ve successfully helped to fall pregnant and have a healthy baby.
I see people of all ages and stages in their fertility journey, and have 20 years experience in supporting fertility both naturally and in those undergoing fertility treatments like IVF.
Yes – even if one of you has a known issue with fertility, it takes two to make a baby, and so it makes sense to rule out any other contributing factors and have the best possible “building blocks” – healthy sperm, eggs, and uterus – for a healthy baby.
If they are reluctant to have acupuncture, it’s possible to just do an initial consultation and then follow the treatment plan, making upgrades and adjustments to diet and lifestyle, herbs and supplements.
Acupuncture points can be found all over the body, but common areas for fertility (in both men and women) are the abdomen, lower back, arms and legs.
Before your acupuncture session I will explain what the treatment will involve, and answer any questions you may have.
Chinese herbs offer a gentle yet powerful boost, getting to the root of the issue from the inside out. They work best when prescribed by an experienced herbalist, to fit your individual presentation. Herbs are selected according to what the systems of the body need – to supplement and boost, clear inflammation, improve circulation of blood and fluids, restore function and balance hormones, working with the natural cycles of your body.
Regulating the menstrual cycle and balancing hormones, nourishing the blood and improving circulation, decreasing inflammation, calming the nervous system and supporting energy and adrenal function are all important factors in enhancing fertility.
Some common herbs used in Chinese medicine include:
– Dong Quai (dang gui) to nourish and invigorate blood circulation
– Rhemannia (sheng di) and Goji (gou qi zi) to provide nourish for blood production and support the adrenals
– Cyperus (xiang fu) to address liver function and tension and regulate the menstrual cycle Adaptogens like
– Ginseng (ren shen) and Astragalus (huang qi) are both adaptogens, and help the body respond to stress, boost immune function and increase energy levels.
Acupuncture has a great track record in supporting IVF for improved success rates, and I have been providing acupuncture for IVF support in Melbourne for the past 20 years – LINK to read more.
Even if you do need IVF, or perhaps you’re using donor sperm or eggs, it’s still beneficial to do some preparation to get the most out of the process, and address your overall health and fertility for the best possible results.
Yes, if they are prescribed by an experienced herbalist – there are many herbs we avoid using in pregnancy, this is a time when we only use herbs that were traditionally said to “calm the fetus” and support physiology in pregnancy. Chinese herbs are always prescribed in combination, and these herbal formulas have synergistic effects that make them more moderate and easier to digest, compared with herbs used singly.
The herbs that we use are the highest quality and under strict controls to ensure their safety and efficacy.
1. Gerhard, I. Jung, F. Postneek. Effects of acupuncture on semen parameters/hormone profile in infertile men. Mol Androl, 4 (1992), pp. 9-24
2. S. Siterman, F. Eltes, V. Wolfson, N. Zabludovsky, B.Bartoov. Effect of acupuncture on sperm parameters of males suffering from subfertility related to low sperm quality. Arch Androl, 39 (1997), pp. 155-161
3. Mannheimer, E., Zhang, G., Udoff, L., Haramati, A., Langenberg, P., Berman, B., Bouter, L., Effects of acupuncture on rates of pregnancy and live birth among women undergoing in vitro fertilisation: systematic review and meta-analysis. British Medical Journal, 336(7643) (2008), pp. 545-9.
4. Hullender Rubin LE, Opsahl MS, Wiemer KE, Mist SD, Caughey AB. Impact of whole systems traditional Chinese medicine on in-vitro fertilization outcomes. Reprod Biomed Online. 2015 Jun;30(6):602-12.
5. Ribeiro SC, Kennedy SE, Smith YR, Stohler CS, Zubieta JK. Interface of physical and emotional stress regulation through the endogenous opioid system and m-opioid receptors. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry. 2005;1264-1280.
6. Amorim D, Amado J, Brito I, Fiuza SM, Amorim N, Costeira C, Machado J. Acupuncture and electroacupuncture for anxiety disorders: A systematic review of the clinical research. Complement Ther Clin Pract. 2018 May;31:31-37.